Thanks for the kind words about my "Who Do You Think You Are?" companion book! #genealogy

Wow!  I hadn’t taken a look at the comments on Who Do You Think You Are?, my latest how-to genealogy book for quite a while, but I’m so glad I did!  Here are just a few of the remarks folks made (BTW, not doctoring these and that includes leaving typos intact!).  More info available on this book (and my forthcoming one, Hey, America, Your Roots Are Showing) at

 “I have been doing genealogy for a long time, and have a sizable book collection. Megan, to me is one of the best Genealogist to come along. She seems to have the heart and soul of family history flowing through her viens. First of all, she gets it, one of the few who understands that the overwhelming majority of family researchers are not of the Mayflower gendre, and are not looking for Generals and Gentry. Also she realizes all immigrants did not own vast amounts of land, and her books are not dedicated to looking for wills and deeds. The Royals and the very rich did not emmigrate to North America. She is one of those professional who understands this intuitively.
This book is the best, so much good information and so understandable. She actually explains DNA, both types for research on 2 pages. If you are interested in DNA this book sums it up in a very understandable form. Again I will say that she is the best that has come along to genealogy since I have been researching, and that says alot since I do not consider myself an amature. You will also love her book on serendipity. Therefore, stop looking for famous people and attaching your family to them, instead, start with yourself, and begin the fabulous journy called "Family". Most of all, be proud of who you are and who you find.
Megan's books are the best for helping you achive your genealogical adventure.”—Lauren

“As a newbie genealogist, I've learned a bit here and there about how to search for my ancestors. I wasn't sure how much I'd get out of this book, but I loved the television series, so I purchased it. I'm SO glad I did! It is written in a very straightforward manner, and I've picked up many tips that aren't listed in other online articles or help sites. Such as a way to look at the 1850 to 1860 census to find possible Civil War veterans - just one tip among many. I've got dozens of little flags and highlights that will help me to narrow down my searches. I would highly recommend this book to anyone starting the genealogy journey.” – A. Sprott

“get this book to learn all about the different places to research and how to go about it. If you start off without this information and do the "hunt and peck" method it will take longer and you will just repeat searches you have already done. This book is your "map" to places you did not know existed.” – Parmalat

“I will get right to the point:
I've been tracing my family history for a few months now so not quite a beginner but still rather new at this. I've read many articles looked at several websites and read about 4 or 5 books on the subject and without any question whatsoever this is the very best bay a mile! Ms. Smolenyak is an experienced and respected "genie" and the information, insights, tips and tricks she gives you are invaluable but the best part to me is she writes like she is talking to a good friend. Her enthusiasm and excitement for genealogy is obvious and contagious. I can go on forever but I'll just stop here and say if you are ready for any exciting trip into your past, get this book and get going. It will be the best 10 bucks you have ever spent!” – J. Fischer

“I've been doing genealogy research for close to five years, and this book still helped me find more. It's entertaining to read and also informative. It covers so many areas and points you directly to where you need to go to find what you need, whether you consider yourself a seasoned researcher, a casual hobbyist, or just a beginner. Any other book I've tried to use for genealogical reference just sat around collecting dust, but this one has a permanent spot on my desk next to my computer.” – J. Jones