Genealogy Round Up, January 5

120 Years Ago: Ellis Island Opens Doors and Welcomes Annie Moore of Ireland

We're all (likely) related to stars

Twins born in different years! That'll be fun to try to enter into genealogy software! 
Irish American twins born in different years in historic first

Thanks to IrishFireside for including this Irish orphan heirloom article among best of 2011!
Orphan Heirloom Rescue: 1870 Diary of an Irish Immigrant
Check out the others here!

Updating my website and gathering celebrity roots (past & present) in one place.
Celebrity Roots - article and blog links, photos and videos

Early review of my upcoming book. 
Hey, America, Your Roots Are Showing by Megan Smolenyak

Will we follow the example of England?
US governor urges mandatory DNA samples

Yowsa! World's oldest twins turn 102! 
Ena Pugh and Lily Millward, The World's Oldest Twins, Celebrate 102nd Birthday Together