Genealogy Round Up, January 3

Check out Legacy Family Tree's 2013 impressive webinar line-up! I hope you'll join me on 2/27/13 for a St. Patrick's Day warm-up as I share the tale of Annie Moore of Ellis Island. Please tell your friends - especially any Irish ones! 
Legacy News: 2013 Legacy Family Tree Webinar Schedule announced

In case you're interested in the Annie Moore webinar, here's the direct link:
Annie Moore of Ellis Island - A Case of Historical Identity Theft

More cabins for the Legacy Family Tree Panama Canal cruise in 2013! Please consider joining us!

Hey, y'all, This is different than the one from the last couple of days. The 150th anniversary of the sinking of the USS Monitor is next Monday, which is why I'm writing so much about it right now. This one features Welsh and Scottish heroes of the Monitor. And again, no clue what's up with the irrelevant image of old letters, but there are a couple of interesting images (including an old letter) in the article itself.
150th Anniversary of the USS Monitor: Meet Civil War Naval Heroes Robert Williams and William Bryan

Vegas, baby! Who's coming?
National Genealogical Society Annual Conference

RIP, Monitor crew. Today is the 150th anniversary of the sinking of the USS Monitor - articles for those interested
USS Monitor - Megan's research identifying sailor's remains recovered from the USS Monitor

I had the honor of attending the service for SSGT Dobovich, one of the heroes I've researched for the Army, last week.
Haddonfield genealogist helped Army identify remains of airman killed in 1946

OK, this is rather bizarre. For some reason, a video review of my very first book, In Search of Our Ancestors, was just published last October. This is a book of 101 tales of genealogical serendipty, and while it's out of print, I've been considering reprinting it myself. What do you think? Should I do it?
Education Book Review: In Search of Our Ancestors by Megan Smolenyak