Genealogy Grant Awarded to Historical Society of Haddonfield

I’m fortunate enough to live within a few blocks of The Historical Society of Haddonfield, the kind of organization I wish every locality had.  Haddonfield is one of those cozy towns that’s been here since colonial days and features many houses with small plaques noting the original owners.  While none of my heritage is based here, I have lived in Haddonfield as long as I’ve lived anyplace else and benefited in multiple ways, including the society’s generous permission for BBC to film here.  This particular grant is in support of the conservation and preservation of Greenfield Hall, a building which the society aptly refers to as its “beautiful Grande Dame.”  The hall is used for a variety of purposes from hosting events to housing a library that makes me jealous of those with Haddonfield roots!

You can apply for a genealogy grant here.