Hey Everyone,

I’m dealing with deadlines, so this will have to be shorter than I’d like, but I just had to say that GENEALOGISTS ARE THE BEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD!  I’m overwhelmed by your collective kindness and support, and your thoughtful words and good wishes have brought me far closer to tears than the pair of dramas I’ve been dealing with of late.  Thank each and every one of you for buoying my spirits and getting my back!

With gratitude,


1 response
Something almost indefinable drives genealogists to do what we do, strive to do it in the best way possible, and support others in their work. You have been not only an inspiration and embodiment of professionalism during your public career, you are also a caring private person driven by the same spirit that we as a group all share, no matter what our level of expertise. Besides, we only have each other to really understand or even care about the minutia...stand tall and proud, Megan. And thank you.