Follow me on Google+ to win a customized t-shirt that flaunts your heritage!

Hey Everyone!

A few months ago when I spoke in New York, I met Rachel Mehta of who showed me some fun heritage-based t-shirts she was custom-designing.  I've included one of the flag designs below and you can see pie-chart versions on her website.  

Diane Haddad’s entertaining Genealogy Insider article, “If You Were a Pie Chart,” made me think of Rachel’s shirts again, so I checked with her and she's kindly agreed to give three of my readers a free t-shirt designed especially to reflect their roots

To enter, all you have to do is add me to one or more of your circles on Google+ by midnight of July 22nd. If you're one of the early birds who's already following me, you're already entered!  Once the contest is over, I'll post the winners and contact them directly as well.

But if, like me, you're into an occasional dash of instant gratification and just can't wait to see if you've won one of the shirts, Rachel has also generously agreed to offer a 25% off for those who purchase from by August 15th.  The discount code -- naturally enough! -- is roots

Please do me a favor and share this with your genealogical friends!  And good luck!


P.S. I don't think you still need an invitation to join Google+, but if you do, just email me at with your name and email and I'll send you an invitation.