Genealogy Round Up, May 31

Is Elizabeth Warren Native American or What?

Speaking in NJ (twice), CA, DC & MD in June. Please join me to talk genealogy!
Megan's Calendar-Genealogy expert, speaker and author of 'Hey, America, Your Roots Are Showing'

Genealogy on Pinterest

Somehow I suspect that Henry VIII will land on his feet! Anyone would be lucky to have him on board!
Obama's cousin loses his job - The Irish Times - Tue, May 29, 2012'

Pls join me next Tuesday in NJ!
Trace Your Roots With DNA | The Millburn– Short Hills Historical Society

Michelle Obama's Ancestors: 'American Tapestry' Has Holes in It


Genealogy Round Up, May 3

It's a little grainy, but I love this video of Bruce Springsteen at Ellis Island with his mother and aunts. RIP, Dora Kirby.
Dora Kirby, Beloved Aunt of Bruce Springsteen, Passes

Just a little bit giddy over this full-page review of "Hey, America, Your Roots Are Showing"! Thanks a million to everyone who's read it and left comments on Amazon and elsewhere! 
Arrive Magazine - May/June 2012

Pleased to hear another one of my Army cases has been resolved. Cpl James N. Larkin, Korea, identified


Genealogy Grant Awarded to Black Earth Public Library

We are thrilled to announce the latest recipient of an Honoring Our Ancestors grant:

The Black Earth Public Library serves a community of approximately 1,300 people and is located about 20 miles west of Madison, WI. In 2011, a war memorial was installed across the street from the library. It has the names of local residents who have served in all the major wars, starting with the Civil War. The names were submitted by living family members and veterans themselves and compiled by a local veterans organization, but there is no biographical information available for visitors to the memorial. The grant award will be used to request military records and compile this biographical information into a book for genealogical researchers and visitors to the memorial.

You can apply for a grant here.


Genealogy Round Up, April 12

So happy to hear this! One of my Army cases. Soldier MIA from Korean War Identified 

Hope to see some of my local friends on 4/22! Haddonfield Friends of the Library -

Look at all these locations! Love the weekly updates!
10 Apr 2012

Hope lots of my friends join me for my 1st webinar with Legacy Family Tree!
Reverse Genealogy: Finding the Living

Most-Wired Generation Meets Greatest Generation in Census Frenzy - Bloomberg